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The MISSIONARY TRAINING FORUM is being developed to provide you with resources to enhance your mission trips and/or your life overseas.  

On this page, you will find links to ministries providing training for fundraising, travel – ticketing, insurance, counseling, housing, during itinerary, raising children overseas, and culture change.


We believe in feeding our spirit man as well, so Roy also posts conferences, training sessions, and sermons through a link to Google Drive or dropbox. We keep them up for 2-4 weeks (depending on the length) for you to download and watch. We also send them out via Email, so please provide us your email address to start receiving your links!! 

For links to resources to better train those you are serving to become independent and self-sufficient, visit Missionary Resources and click on Your Resource Center. 

As always if you think of something we don't have available, PLEASE email me at with your request and we will do the research.






Unmuzzled Ox was started by Aaron Gonyou, former YWAMer, Youth for Christ Staffer & Director of Marketing and Communications at Compassion Canada.

His Goal?

To see world missions revolutionized through fully funded missionaries. If you are a missionary, church planter, parachurch worker, or pastor, and you struggle with support raising or generating funds for your ministry, you’ve come to the right place.

Once you discover how to support raise by incorporating proper theology and Unmuzzled Ox’s strategic approach, you will raise tons of support and experience the joy that God intends for you through support raising efforts.

Visit his website or FaceBook page to start!

Unmuzzled Ox:







Andrew Jernigan offers an amazing team providing Insurance and Benefits, Travel Security and Repatriation, and Evacuation. You will literally find help for every part of your travel & if you don’t, Andrew will help you do it! 

Representing top-rated insurance companies, International Care can help you match the highest levels of protection, planning, and foresight with your budget. So you and your team can focus on making the world a better place. Life insurance, key person insurance, health insurance, travel, and specialty plans.


The Safeture App provides real-time warnings, alerts, and information as well as a one-click connection to local SOS emergency response services. Wherever your employee is traveling in the world, the app uses positioning to identify his or her current location and send local area alerts and security information. Plus, local organization - or company-specific information - can be automatically and directly linked to individual traveling employees via the ISO system.

Clients who have had 'team scares' in the past shared their wish for an affordable way to have evacuation services easily accessible. They either had to deal with the hardships of coordinating a medical rescue operation in a foreign culture, having to transfer a team member who had an acute illness from one hospital to a better equipped one, in a different country, or managing to take the whole team out of a region that suddenly became a high-risk destination for political reasons.  If your team or destinations are subject to a high-risk rating either for medical or security reasons, International Care has the right team to be there when it counts.  Many of the health insurances represented offer evacuation and repatriation services as an included benefit. But if you prefer to be taken back to your home country rather than the closest qualified healthcare facility in the insurance company’s network - or if your insurance plan simply does not include this service - International Care partners with two of the leading companies in the market to provide you with flexible and smart evacuation memberships:

International Care has teamed up with the leading humanitarian travel service in the world Raptim Humanitarian Travel - a global not-for-the-profit organization, with offices around the world, dedicated to meet the uncommon travel needs of humanitarian, faith-based, educational and volunteer organizations, as well as corporate clients - experts in complex itineraries, urgent response and respectful service. Raptim provides great prices, creative solutions, and efficient services that you can rely on. Founded in 1949, they are the world's first specialized humanitarian travel agency. Compassion Matters.

They also partner with:


Ascend Global offers specialty risk liability insurance. KRE Insurance Program: People are priceless. Exclusive Kidnap, Ransom & Extortion Program (Coverage limits up to 100M USD) The program features 3 components: 1. In-depth Prevention Training  2. Active Crisis Management  3. Financial Risk Transfer.


 TransferWise A new kind of multi-currency account that comes with international bank details, works with 28 currencies and uses only the real exchange rate. Corporate or personal accounts are available. iOS and GooglePlay apps available for mobile service.

Expat Relocation Solutions offers innovative transportation solutions for air or containerized shipments and pet shipment. Full service, partial and no-pack options, complete unpacking options, and can include maid service and debris removal. Global services, regional as well as cross-border US-Mexico-Canada shipments.


VisaHQ provides visa and U.S. passport solutions enabling travelers to apply online for visas to virtually any country in the world. Using unmatched, cutting-edge online technologies customers can apply for travel visas simply by filling out one universal, 100% paperless electronic form. 


Cultural Mixology designs, delivers, and facilitates programs that build and enhance cultural competencies in business and academic settings. They serve as a strategic thinking partner, through coaching, training, mentoring, and consulting, to support individuals and organizations that are faced with multicultural challenges.


Taxes for Expats (TFX) is an NYC-based tax preparation firm specializing in Americans residing abroad. With over 25 years experience and clients in 190 countries, Ines Zemelman and her team of experts help thousands to resolve complex international tax issues for individuals and small business owners, such as FBAR and foreign information reporting, IRS voluntary disclosure program participation, and U.S. taxation of foreign trusts and retirement arrangements.

​ allows Expatriates who own assets in Canada, the U.S. or the U.K. to create a special Last Will and Testament, which serves to document their wishes regarding those assets held in Canada, the U.S. or the U.K., but does not revoke any existing Will that they may have regarding assets in their home country.  Furthermore, at no extra cost, members can specify their funeral wishes, upload important files and documents, and even create messages to be sent after they have passed away. 

​ uses a unique Member-Keyholder® relationship, which ensures that the information created by our members is completely secure, yet available to their designated personal Keyholders® only at the appropriate time.

Long term international plans and Short term/travel Insurance.


More Choices Matter. When considering the ideal coverage for medical expenses, trip cancelation, lost luggage/belongings, flight accident and other losses incurred while traveling you need to be able to get the right plan. We can advise and guide through this process through our broad representation of plans.

International Care:





Training and Schooling:



There is a lot of training out there for those heading out on short term mission trips and those living overseas. This list will focus mainly on schools with a mission’s emphasis. We will add more information on Training & Schools as we research & connect in more detail.




We are all called to be missionaries of the peace of God

You have a purpose. Finding and fulfilling your purpose is the greatest adventure you can have in this life, and should be a top priority for every Christian. Nothing is more exciting than the Christian life, and few things are more boring than mere religion. You are called to have life and to have it in abundance. The vision of MorningStar University is to help equip you to know and fulfill your highest purpose in life.

Every Christian has a calling and a mission. Most are called to fulfill these in everyday situations and places, such as business, the arts, government, media, the military, or other vocations, as well as in missions or the church. MSU is designed to help every student find and be prepared for their unique calling and to walk “the path of the righteous,” which we are promised, “shines brighter and brighter until the full day” (see Proverbs 4:18). Therefore, your life should be one of increasing light and clarity if you remain on the right path. Our goal is to help you become firmly established on that path.

We are told in John 10 that the Lord’s sheep know His voice, and they follow Him because they know His voice. The path of the righteous is to follow our King and to do His will. Therefore, knowing the voice of the Lord is basic to our instruction.


If this is your basic devotion, you will fit well at MSU, and we would love to have you join us. I think you will find that all of our courses are practical, but they will also inspire you to fulfill the ultimate purpose of every human being—to love God above all else, and by this, to love others because God is love. We want you to love your time at MSU, but even more so, our goal is to see you love Him more. Doctrines and principles are important and can help us, but only those who are in love will never quit. You are called first and foremost to love God, and that too is our highest purpose.

In His service,

Choose from:

Master’s Program

MorningStar University’s Masters in Leadership Ministry degree program is a 12 month, or three-term, weekend immersion program. It was created for those who desire to take their leadership skills to an exponential level in order to fulfill their destiny in the sphere of influence to which they are called. Students are educated in a historical and cultural worldview, a prophetic perspective, and in the means of articulation through media to develop a solid foundation for effective leadership in our ever-changing world.

Leadership SchoolMSU’s

Special Forces (SF) program is an intense leadership training course designed to prepare students physically, mentally, and spiritually to discover and walk in their calling. The program’s ultimate goal is to produce team-focused leaders with the character and resilience to make a lasting impact in whatever sphere of influence they are called to.  This program was established in 2005 by Rick Joyner, who was inspired by his association with the elite U.S. Delta Force and his desire to see the church raised to a similar standard. MSU’s Special Forces program is unique in the world of ministry schools because of its combination of classroom teaching with experiential training in real-world situations. Through this program, students are exposed to a variety of demanding personal and leadership challenges. Every month, SF students travel into the wilderness where they are taught survival skills, leadership skills, and spiritual principles while completing difficult objectives. The course is designed to push students beyond their perceived limits and into their full potential. 

Transformational Leadership

Our main purpose at MSU is to raise up high-impact leaders and this Transformational leadership program is where it all happens. In this program, our students will learn from world renowned leaders in an interactive and engaging classroom atmosphere that also includes classes on essential theology, spiritual training, current world events and more.

School of Worship

Over the years MSU has produced many of the great worship leaders that we all know about today. In this elective, our professional instructors bring decades of music, worship, and recording industry experience to teach and disciple young worship leaders and musicians into a greater level of skill with their instrument and the true heart of worship in their spirit.



Founded in 2006 by Randy Clark, Global School of Supernatural Ministry (GSSM) offers students three program options: On-site, Online and Summer Intensive. After completing their training, students will be equipped to step into a variety of arenas such as missions, arts, the marketplace, pastoral ministry, inner healing, prophetic, and community leadership. The GSSM alumni can be found in active service all over the world.

GSSM brings experienced, anointed, gifted and relevant teachers for each core training theme. These teachers are brought in from around the world to invest and impart into every student, preparing them to live out a supernatural lifestyle and impact their world with Kingdom transformation.

Taking a proven, holistic approach to missionary training and preparation, GSSM purposely focuses on integral ministry training: head (formal, classroom, theory), heart (informal, community, spiritual), and hands (non-formal, on-the-job, practical). By doing so, students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and character necessary to be successful in serving in missions.


YWAM- University of the Nations:

Youth With A Mission (Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”)began in 1960 and is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world and united in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known.

YWAM’s University of the Nations (U of N) operates in 650 locations in 160 countries, providing programs in approximately 100 languages around the world. The U of N is committed to teach and develop men and women spiritually, culturally, intellectually, and professionally.

As a student at the U of N, you are nurtured as a whole person. You learn in a disciplined environment where growth in character and walking in the ways of the Lord are fundamental. You study only one subject at a time in a 12-week modular system, each course approached from a Christian perspective.

The U of N aims to equip students to serve in all spheres of society and in all nations. The goal of the U of N is to teach students how to apply biblical truth practically and to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

The core program in the U of N is the Discipleship Training School (DTS) which is required for all other U of N courses.


DTS – Discipleship Training School:

The Discipleship Training School (YWAM DTS) is a full-time program and lasts five or six months. It consists of two parts: the lecture phase and the outreach phase. In the lecture phase, you will learn more about God and His world. You’ll learn not only from lectures but also from community living and practical training. The outreach phase focuses on applying what you learned in the classroom through an intense, cross-cultural experience.

You can apply for the DTS at over 200 YWAM locations all over the world. Many offer a special focus on a specific interest, an area of service, or a nation. The “Crossroads” (YWAM CDTS) or “All Ages” DTS meets the needs of students over 30, such as second-career people or families with children.  DTS is the prerequisite for not only becoming YWAM staff but also for YWAM’s second-level training.


Global Frontier Missions:

Global Frontier Missions (GFM) is an international, 501(c)(3) non-denominational Christian missionary mobilization and training agency. Incorporated in the state of Virginia in the year 2000 and later in the state of Georgia in 2009 they have a board of directors, a global leadership team made of representatives from all of our locations that provide most of the strategic direction for the organization as well as a leadership team at the local level that oversees each location.

Training: Going overseas is a major life change for many people in the Western world. There is a significant need for long-term workers to reach the unreached. Through GFM’s Missionary Training School, people get a taste of missions to work firsthand by learning new languages, breaking cross-cultural barriers, and building relationships with internationals…all on American (or Australian!) soil.

Mobilizing, GFM hosts short-term mission trips speaks at mission seminars, organizes conferences, teaches Perspectives courses, and gets involved in local churches to cast a vision for reaching the unreached.

Multiplying: GFM engages in disciple-making and church planting among the local internationals with the hope of seeing them evangelized and discipled to the point that they can go back and reach their own people.



Regardless of where or to what you are called, GoSendMe Global (GSM) is an organization that comes alongside those who believe that they are to serve God by serving others both locally and around the world.  GSM’s agenda is to make the work of each one of our missionaries as Kingdom-successful as possible.  As a result of our unique approach to Christian ministry and training people for working in cross-cultural settings, we have a footprint of changing people’s lives in over 30 countries and in a vast array of Christ-centered ministries ranging from anti-human trafficking, orphan care, construction projects, water-wells, starting churches and so much more! We like to say, “Your mission IS our mission!”
By serving those who are called to serve Him, we are working toward a vision to see nationals reaching the nations and communities around the world transformed by the love of Jesus Christ.  GSM is a 100% mission, meaning that everything contributed toward our missionaries goes to their work. As our missionaries raise their living, ministry and reserve fund costs, GSM raises a Greatest Need Fund which pays for the training, support, and resources necessary to develop healthy biblical communities both here in the United States and around the globe.  Attendance in our Pre-Field Training school can be requested by any organization or missionary preparing for the field from any organization.  Send an email to
If you want to dive into the details and mechanics of who we are and how we operate, we invite you to read our very detailed pdf called, “Simple Answers”.  It can be found here:




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