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(What it is) Moringa Oleifera, known as the Moringa, is native to India but is now found throughout the tropics. Moringa is also known as horseradish tree, drumstick tree, and mother's best friend.

(Whom it would benefit) It has been used to combat malnutrition throughout the world, beneficial to all, mostly infants and mothers.

(Where it can grow) Native to the sub-Himalayan tracts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. It is already an important crop in India, Ethiopia, the Philippines, and Sudan, and is being grown in the West, East, South Africa, tropical Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, Florida, and the Pacific Islands. Moringa tree requires an annual rainfall of 250mm-1000mm, it is drought-resistant, but in a drought, it will lose its leaves. This doesn’t mean the tree is dead it will recover when rain returns. It grows best at altitudes up to 600m but will grow at altitudes of 1000m. It will survive in a temperature range of 77-104 Fahrenheit but has been known to tolerate 118 Fahrenheit and light frost.

(How to use it) The young leaves are edible and commonly cooked and eaten like spinach, or used to make soups and salads, an exceptionally good source of provitamin A, B, C. The young green pods are very tasty and can be boiled and eaten like green beans. Dry seeds can be ground to powder and used for seasoning sauces. The roots from young plants can also be dried and ground for hot seasonings that taste similar to horseradish, giving the Moringa tree another common name horseradish tree. The flowers are a tasty addition to salads. The resin from the trunk of the tree is useful for thickening sauces. This tree is an outstanding source of high protein, Calcium, Iron, and high in Vitamin C. Moringa tree has been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and mothers. Three Non-governmental organizations that use Moringa, in particular, are Tree’s for Life, Church World Service and Educational Moringa. Ounce for ounce Moringa leaves contain more vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, more Iron than spinach, more vitamin C than oranges, and more potassium than bananas, and the protein quality of Moringa tree rivals that of milk and eggs. Moringa tree seeds can also be used to clean dirty water as a water purifier.

(Natural Medicines) Leaves rubbed against the temple can relieve headaches. To stop bleeding from a shallow cut apply a poultice of fresh leaves. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects when applied to wounds or insect bites. Leaf tea treats gastric ulcers and diarrhea. Flower Juice improves the quality and flow of mother's milk when breastfeeding. Flower juice helps with urinary problems. If pods are eaten raw, treats liver and spleen problems as well as pains of joints.   

(Where to Purchase Products, Tree or Seed)


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Deb & Roy Killian


Edens Song Ministry, Inc.
1226 12th Avenue
Lewiston, Idaho  83501

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