It was one of those days struggling to turn from spring to summer. Everyone was on the river walkway in shorts and sweatshirts waffling between the desire for the sun’s warmth and reality of the morning briskness. Dogs running back and forth sniffing into the blossom-filled air and the sound of children’s laughter drew me over. I sat on a bench to pray. I love these moments of solitude where Your Presence fills me with the peaceful knowledge that You are in control; it’s Your power that is the treasure in this earthen vessel.
I heard it before I could see it. Isn’t that the way. I hear your voice, feel Your leading before I see the purpose. One lone boat on the river. One lone driver guiding it through the glass. As he drove by, people began cheering, waving and shouting their ‘hello’s’. He did a few tricks, causing waves to form. The rippling effect hit the shore causing the children to jump up and down with glee. The more they asked for, the bigger the show. Soon everyone was gathered where the water meets the sand, enjoying the damp coolness as it washed up their bare legs. But, the water was still cold and one by one they began their assent back up to the walkway. The boatman moved on down the river and all was quiet once again.
I watched, entranced with the thought that it was in their encouragement he was moved to continue blessing their day with his antics. Who knows what kind of mood he was in, where he was from or even headed to; he stopped for just that moment to bring laughter and joy to the hearts of many. Just like so many of us. The one’s who walk the roads unknown to serve strangers and make them your friends. Those who bless with words of Christ on your lips and joy in your heart. The ones that step out of the shadow of comfort to share a kind word, a prayer of healing or a piece of rice. The men and women hiding behind work visas, teaching degrees, building permits and medical ships just to touch the one that God has called you to.
We all come from somewhere. The lone boat on the river. We all carry the presence that will cause a rippling effect to collide with those congregated and watching. I want to encourage you. We have all been called. “Some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preacher and expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, traveling missionaries), some Pastors (shepherds of His flock) and teachers. His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (that they should do) the work of ministering toward building up Christ’s body (the church).” (Eph 4:11-12 AMP)
Each of us is a piece of the puzzle creating a beautiful masterpiece as we allow the eyes of our heart to be opened and follow He who leads and guides us in our journey on earth. We are all missionaries to someone or somewhere. Roy & I (Eden’s Song) are missionaries to the missionaries. We live, breath and pray for them every single day. Our goal is that all we set our hands to foster the life of a missionary. Can we do it all? No. We can only provide a portion of need. Others will provide another part and on it goes.
You are causing a stir in the water. You are creating waves as you walk out your calling; touching a fortune of people along the way; moving the atmosphere over the cities, countries and nations you are led to cry out for. The whole of Heaven is waving the checkered flag as you so eloquently run your race. Do not let down, do not give up.
Gentlemen, Ladies, Start Your Engines!